Kavita's boutique My book - The Unreal Universe

My Columns - Blogged!

We have been around for more than 5 years!
Definitely better than a lot of dot.coms!

July 4,2008

  • My blog (called Unreal Blog) is on line!
  • I ceded the domain name to the blog and assumed a subdomain name for my home page. After all, the blog has much more content!

May 11,2008

  • I have created a LinkedIn profile to brag a bit about my professional labels. You know, one has to move with the times.
  • In order to look and sound younger than they are, middle-aged folks may create social networking pages. Can you blame for creating a FaceBook page?

May 5,2008

  • My online forms have been targets of annoying spam bot attacks. Rather than taking them offline, I decided to add image verification protection. Sorry about the extra step needed in contacting me.

Oct 1,2006

Sept 24,2006

Sept 22,2006

June 24,2006

April 14,2006

  • We are moving! To a commercially hosted site.

Nov. 28,2005

  • The Unreal Universe has been e-published! The eBook version is on sale now.
  • The paperback version of The Unreal Universe will be published by the end of 2007, hopefully.

Oct. 15,2005

  • In October, 2005, I made another major career change. I have become a "Quantitative Analysist" (or quant) at a major regional bank OCBC.
  • The Unreal Universe now has more physics details - an article submitted to a journal, an animated demo and the matlab code that generated the animation.

July 28,2005

  • Got rid of the local albums again, need to make room for the The Unreal Universe!.
  • General clean-up.

Feb 22,2003

  • Major overhaul of the software section.
  • Some clean up to improve space utilization.

Jan 28,2003

Nov 22,2002

  • Moved the local Albums back to local, because PacificNet has kindly increased the quota to 5MB!
  • Updated the software section.

May 1,2001

  • Moved the local Albums to slightly less local (~stylemart) location.
  • Added a software section.

October 18,2000

  • Beautified the e-mail form.
  • Added couple of animated gif's here and there.
  • Preparing to retire some obselete files due to space constraints.

October 17,2000

October 16,2000

October 2,2000

In the beginning, there was a fairly boring website. That lasted for about 5 years. Though positively boring, it does contain some useful info and history. Worth checking it out.

Go to Photo Albums The current web site (created in Sept 2000) may not much less boring. But it has links to a photo album kindly hosted by FotoTime.

Go to Video Clips Sometime in the future, there will be a personal movie feed. For now, it is just a link to the local albums.

Copyright © Manoj Thulasidas 2005, All Rights Reserved.